Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Full Trifecta: How To Land An Interview In Public Relations

So, you’re looking for a job in public relations? Hate to break it to you but you’re far from alone. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the need for public relations professionals is projected to increase by 24% from 2008 to 2018, a much faster rate than any other career. With this sudden increase you would think landing a job in public relations is as glamorous and easy as well, The Best Job Ever (http://www.islandreefjob.com).

Unfortunately, public relations professionals are generally over-worked and under-paid especially in a city like New York where PR professionals could outnumber street vendors. If you’re ready to accept the less than glamorous truth of the fastest growing career then I’d be more than happy to give you the 3 steps to help you land an interview.

1) Brand Yourself. Before you even dare to start your job search, there are a few things you must do to ensure that your own online presence won’t take you out of the running before you’ve even had the opportunity to defend yourself.

  • Google Yourself. Right now, go on Google, type your own name in and see what pops up. If you’re lucky, the first page will be all rave reviews from your local newspaper from that time you saved your elderly neighbor’s cat from the tree but chances are it’s going to be your Facebook, Twitter, or any of the numerous social media accounts you may have signed up for.
  • Clean Up Your Current Accounts. As an entry-level PR wanna-be you should know by now that in the world of PR, image is EVERYTHING. So as much as it may hurt to take down that picture of you funneling the record breaking beer or slapping the bag of Franzia during the greatest pre-game of the year, now’s the time to part ways and pick a new, more professional picture (this applies for everyone applying to ANY job, outside the next generation of the Jersey Shore cast). But if you really don’t want your social media accounts taken into consideration for your job hunt, change your privacy settings so no one can find you or limit what they can see when they do.
  • Create New Accounts. As a PR professional, most of what you will do will inevitably involve writing (this article=case and es and dislikes (again, keep it clean). You can create a free, customized blog from Wordpress or Blogger that will help future employers see your interests. This is also a great resource for writing samples!
  • Update Resume and Cover Letter. Do I really have to explain this? Good.

2) Network. Now that you’ve prepped your own personal brand, you’re ready to start reaching out to find a job but before you become another resume among another pile sitting on some HR person’s desk, use your resources.

  • Personal Network. Ask around to those people who you know personally. Ask your parents, your aunts and uncles, your friends, your teachers, anyone. You never know who knows someone who knows someone who’s hiring.
  • Alumni Network. I think it’s safe to say that in today’s day and age, if you’re looking for a job in PR that you went to college but if not, just ignore this step. Go to your Alumni offices and check for PR contacts who graduated from your school. For the most part alumni always look out for other alumni so they are an invaluable resource to tap.
  • Professional Network. Do a little research into the field you want to be in. If you want to work in public relations, check out the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) or the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) for those students who are just looking for internships. These societies feature some of the best of the best in the public relations world. Through these organizations you will learn more about your public relation’s elders, some of the best campaigns as well as some of the worst. It will definitely give you some insight to the world you long to be a part of.
  • Social Media Network. Once you’ve exhausted your personal, alumni, and professional networks it’s time to look into your world of social media. Start to follow strategic people and companies and reach out to those who you already follow. Make it known that you’re looking for a job and in which area. One particular organization to look into is Help A PR Pro Out (HAPPO). HAPPO tweets and retweets a lot of job openings and opportunities so it would behoove you to follow their trail.

3) Brand Equity. Alll the stepping stones are laid down, you’ve made a few contacts and sent out a few resumes but now is the tough part. Sealing the deal. You’ve built your brand and reached out to your networks but now is the time to make their efforts worthwhile. You need to build brand equity.

  • Online Presence. Now that you’ve cleaned up your social media accounts, Googled yourself, and updated your resume now you get to fill it with stuff that you can control. Post your resume on your LinkedIn profile. Create a blog so you can get your views across along with establishing your style and skill with writing to show anyone that you’re a competent and professional potential employee.
  • E-mail Correspondence. Be sure to be professional and clear. These people aren’t your best friends or your family. You have to show them that you are capable and professional through your writing and any phone conversations you may have.

With these tips in tow, you’ll find yourself ahead of the recent college graduate curve and on your way to setting up your public relations interview.

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